If you prefer to purchase bags of soil and manure: here’s a tip for saving money. Walk past the brightly colored bags of brand names in the front of the store or garden center and head to the back rows.
The brand names will tout “organic soil”, “organic garden soil” and such. But, the bags in the back will be rich and organic as well. And a whole lot cheaper.

The price difference can be staggering. At the garden center for my local home improvement store, the brands in the front of the store sold for $8.99 to $16.99 per forty pound bag. Compare that to the ones above that sold for $1.97 to $2.97. Big difference!
I used the same stuff last year, and my plants loved it. They were strong and healthy. This year, I added more. And as my garden guru said: “Man! You’ve got some seriously rich soil here.”
And then he went to the store to buy some for his garden.
[…] For tips on saving cash, see this earlier article: Tips for saving cash on organic compost and manure […]