Tips for saving cash on organic compost and manure
If you prefer to purchase bags of soil and manure: here's a tip for saving money. Walk past the brightly colored bags of brand names in the front of the store or garden center and head to the back rows.
The brand names will tout "organic soil", "organic garden soil" and such. But, the bags in the back will be rich and organic as well. And a whole lot cheaper.

Fabulous pesto!
Pesto adds to many dishes. The classic pesto, of course, consists of sweet basil, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, pine nuts and garlic. Talk about versatile! This wonderful condiment punches up everything from omelets to chicken to pasta.
Add a teaspoon or so to scrambled eggs to add flavor and nutrients
Top cooked chicken with a couple of teaspoons - let sit a few minutes before serving
Serve with mini-toasts or baguette pieces as an appetizer
Cook the pasta of your choice and toss with pesto. Add chicken and tomatoes if you prefer.
Freeze pesto in old fashioned ice cube trays. Store cubes in the freezer bags - each cube serves as a single portion for cooking throughout the winter!

Brookgreen Gardens
Wow! Talk about gardens on a grand scale! Brook Green gardens in South Carolina offers up over fifty acres of gardens, sculpture and excursions. From the whimsical Muses garden to the wildlife excursions, these gardens are well worth the trip. Feel free to ask the staff questions as you go through - they freely shared everything from planting tips to showing us the largest grasshopper I've ever seen! The best thing? Admission buys a ticket good for six days.